Many exciting young stallions

Draupnir frá Stuðlum has the most sons on the list. Rider: Árni Björn Pálsson
In many training and breeding farms, the work on young horses is starting. For many breeders this season is the most exciting one, because it reveals how the breeding is going, and if their instinct in pairing a mare and a stallion was right. The work on these youngsters start in the fall after they’ve become 3 years old, and this is mainly light pre-training.
Eiðfaxi’s journalist has his information from WorldFengur to see which stallions have the highest BLUP of those born in 2017 and located in Iceland. Here below is a list of stallions with a BLUP of 120 or more, arranged by father.
Draupnir frá Stuðlum has most sons on this list or 18 all togeter. Skýr frá Skálakoti is second with 11 sons and Spuni frá Vesturkoti has 6 on the list.
Listinn er til gamans gerður og birtur með fyrirvara um mannleg mistök.