Most assessments made in Iceland

  • 1. October 2020
  • News Uncategorized
hjör frá völlum

Hjör frá Völlum one of the mares assessed this year. Here on Landssýning in Hella. Rider: Jakob Svavar Photo: Louisa Hackl

Statistics from the breeding year!

The breeding season is over and it is always fun and interesting to look at the statistics related to breeding shows all over the Icelandic horse scene.

There were 1.993 full assessments made in 8 countries. By far, most of them were made in Iceland or 1.222 all together. The fewest assessments were made in Finland this year or 9.

288 times only confirmation assessments were made and as regarding to the full assessments, most of them was made in Iceland or 165 and the fewest in Switzerland only 2.

Here below tables have been made to see the number of assessments in the eight countries that had breeding shows this year.

Full assessments

Country #
Iceland 1222
Sweden 289
Germany 206
Denmark 107
Austria 44
Norway 43
Switzerland 13
Finland 9


Only confirmation assessments

Country #
Iceland 165
Sweden 53
Denmark 32
Germany 17
Finland 10
Austria 6
Norway 3
Switzerland 2



The most recent issue

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