Hulda Gústafs: Hearding is history

  • 15. janúar 2010
  • Fréttir
Hulda Gústafs: Hearding is history

Hulda Gústafsdóttir is a rider participating in the VÍS Masters League this winter. She is a team leader in her team, Hestvit/Árbakki, but her companions in the team are her husband, Hinrik Bragason and the promising rider Teitur Árnason.
Eið called Hulda on the phone this morning, asking her about the preparations and expectations of the league this winter.

The VÍS Masters League is coming up shortly, how is preparation going?
“Yes, of course we are busy training. There are many exciting horses being trained, but we have not yet actually picked out horses for all the events in the Masters League. Of course both Hinrik and I are in the team and we need to find out how we divide the horses between the two of us.”

What is your personal aim for the league this winter?
“It is the conventional, to do better than before. I ended in 10th place last year and I aim to get closer to the top now. “
But as for your team, Árbakia/Hestvit?

“The team also aims to improve and we all believe that it can happen. We ended in 3rd place last year and aim higher this year. Teitur is a new team member and of course he is very good and is an experience rider now. “
The competition starts with the herding event. How do you feel about that?

“I think that herding should be history. It would be good to use the league in order to introduce and bring into it a new event but today there is competition in herding all over the place. My opinion is that hearding should not be a part of the Masters League.”

Why do you suppose that herding has become such a popular competition event?

“Undoubtedly because it is all about timing, anybody is fit for this event, youngsters, amateurs and horse people in general. There is speed and excitement in it, which actually ends in too much disarray in my opinion. The horses suitable for this are agile, quick, and not too big with long stride. These horses are often are not suitable for the sporting events.”
 Which horses will you be bringing into the League this winter?

“What we had decided now, just in the beginning of winter, is that Kjuði frá Kirkjuferjuháleigu will compete in four gaits. Then also I have Sveigur frá Varmadal, he is a likely horse for the tölt competition for example. The herding, on the other hand is still undecided. Saga frá Lynghaga will be there and will likely compete in some of the pacing events. The five gaits is rather undecided but we have horses like Héðinn frá Feti, Draumur frá Sauðárkróki, Sámur frá Litlu-Brekku and Glymur frá Flekkudal, all strong five gaited horses. It is still open which horse will be used when and where. Last year I took Kjuði to the gæðinga agility competition, perhaps I will bring him again this year. T2 is still undecided, Völsungur frá Reykjavík competed in that event last year, but now he has left the country. I need to do a thorough look around the stable and find a nominee for that.“
Eiðfaxi wishes Hulda all the best in the many events which lie ahead.


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